2012年9月1日 星期六




Abstract:In the 1990s, no historical connections were made between Chinese eugenics and the horrors of Nazism and the Holocaust. Yet the recent developments in Chinese eugenics of linking enhanced sexual performance and fertility treatment are intriguing in comparison with cases of compulsory sterilization of people with cognitive disabilities and forced abortion for rural women often reported in the international media in the 1980s. What constitutes such a diametrical shift from a negative approach to a rather benign presentation of eugenics in the 1990s? Three historical and social conditions have constituted such discursive shift. First, the commodificationof sexual technology and media exposure of scholarly findings of the sexual behaviors of adults in China have been instrumental in reconstructing urban sexuality since the reform era. Second, the unintended consequences of promoting superior birth implicated in China’s “One-child Policy” have generated a social cleavage of healthcare accessibility between the urban and rural population, and a paranoia to terminate unwanted pregnancies among urban married couples and their desperate pursuit of possible technological aids. Third, sexual pleasure signifies an accumulative success of four decades of mass mobilization by the communist party for reproductive health since the 1950s.

